Laboratory location : Electrical Engineering Faculty, Building Energetics, Room EN 013, Bd. Profesor Dimitrie Mangeron, nr. 21- 23, 700050 Iasi, România
Prof.Ph.D.eng. Dorin LUCACHE ,
Assoc.Prof.Ph.D.eng. Georgel PAICU ,
Lecturer Ph.D.eng. Gabriel CHIRIAC ,
Lecturer Ph.D.eng. Elena DANILA
List of laboratory applications :
Lab no.1: Electric light sources
Lab no.2: The operating characteristics of the electric light sources
Lab no.3: Fluorescent lamps fittings
Lab no.4: The photometric characteristics of luminaires
Lab no.5: Electronic supply systems for fluorescent lamps
Lab no.12: Means and methods to improve the power factor
Lab no.13: Protection by automatic disconnection of the faulty area
Course support :
Course: – Computer Aided Design of Electrical Installations